
Showing posts from November, 2022

Fatherhood and Finances

Hello everyone! This week I think the topic is very prevalent to what we go through today and what our society is like. We have already discussed a little bit of the differences in gender roles and the importance of a nuclear family. That a family with a heterosexual couple and children has great benefits for the children and that the roles between men and women, husband and wife are varied. This week we will explore the topic of fatherhood and finances in a marriage and family relationship.  It is very interesting to research the family background of those who shot up schools. Many of them did not have a father, or a father figure in their life. They lacked the discipline and relationship that could have sculpted them to be beneficial members of society. Instead, they developed issues and complex's that resulted in deaths of innocent lives. They could have had great mom's but the correlation of the absence of a father had significant impact on them. I want you all to think of

Communication is Key

This week I studied the topic of communication. A bunch of people were asked what they thought was the key to a successful marriage and the majority of this group said communication. So I feel it is fair to ask, is communication really the key?   I sure think so! I have, and I'm sure we all have, been in situations where there was a presence of a conflict of some sort and an absence of communication. You know that icky feeling when you know you should probably talk it out. Or how your thoughts and feelings get more and more tense toward the other person even when they are not doing or saying anything to you. How your mind makes assumptions and analyzes their every word and their every action. I don't know about you but those situations make me very unhappy. On the opposite end, have you had a relationship where those feelings started creeping and rather than avoid it you talk about it. It is so hard to bring up your feelings and in a way, be vulnerable to them, but also that fe

The Family that hurts together stays together

 Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week! I am going to start this blog post off with an experience from my life. I used to live in this little town in Idaho until my family moved to Oregon. Before we took the leap as a family my dad went ahead of us and started his new job in Oregon while our house in Idaho was on the market. So, it was my mom, me, my two older siblings and my little sister continuing our lives with our dad what seemed far, far away. I don't think I truly understand how hard this must have been for my parents and how it tested their marriage. My Grandma lived about halfway from both of us and so we met at her house every few weeks and would take trips to Oregon often. I don't remember a lot of how I felt but I do remember worrying if my dad was cheating on my mom or if they were going to get divorced. All went well and my parents stayed close through phone calls, and they were so happy to see each other. I know I missed my dad and was really excited to mov

Intimacy Transcends the Physical

I hope you all had a great week! I really liked talking last week about stereotypes in marriage relationships. This week I am excited for the topic as well. The topic is sexual intimacy in marriage. In my religion we believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman and the physical bounds that are set by God. Frankly, we believe in saving sex for marriage. I definitely believe that the reason this has been the norm in our culture for the past hundreds of years is not only because of the rules of society but because it makes sense because it comes from God. Today, we are not going to focus on the religious side of this topic but on the scientific and cultural side. Basically, I am writing this blog to help others understand the importance of marriage and family and everything that comes with those relationships and being sexually intimate is such an important factor. We have talked about and established in past research that there are differences between men and women. That