Are There Stereotypes in Marriage and Family?
Hello everyone! Thank you for tuning in another week! Now that we are diving more into marriage this week and the beginnings of this special union by the engagement and then the first few months and the transition into parenthood, we are going to analyze the cultural norms that are part of our individual societies. We have talked in the past few weeks about culture and how the media and those around you create a culture. That culture relates to dating, marriage, and parenthood. Take a minute to think about what your culture teaches and enforces about these subjects. We know that the way we date and the connections we make with people matter and now we are going to transition into looking how it really applies to marriage. I have noticed a pattern in our culture of stereotyping the roles of husbands and wives. There are, of course, different things that work for every couple, but I have recognized these stereotypes as I have learned more about the family this week. The...